DISC Neutrality and Perceptions

Have you ever been called “strong-willed, impulsive, amiable, or logical?”  

It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace.  When we understand the other fellow’s viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences.

Harry S. Truman

Descriptor words are essentially neutral words, but we begin inserting our own values and perceptions to them. 

How we do it will differ based on our own DISC-style.  For example, if you show words like “direct,” “dominating,” and “demanding” to D-styles they will identify with them and essentially “own it.” D-styles see those words, as easily describing themselves and often times will have positive associations with those words.  On the other hand, if you show those same sets of words to a different style, say the S-style, then chances are they will see words from a different perspective.  They may even see negative associations where the D-style would not.  The D-style may be thinking, “You bet I’m direct, dominating and decisive!”  The S-style may be thinking, “Direct, dominating and decisive?  Whoa! Slow down!”

Diverse business team not communicating effectively

Words used to describe behaviors are not always viewed the same and will be based on the perception of the behaviors.

Often times the C-styles are viewed as “cold and distant,” but the C-styles may see themselves as “reserved and shy.” S-styles are sometimes viewed as “stubborn and resistant,” but the S-styles’ same perceptions may be “cautious and focused on the organization’s core values.” I-styles may come across as “careless and trying too hard to be liked,” but the I-styles’ same perceptions of their behaviors are likely to be, “I’m sociable and focused on people’s needs.”

So the next time you choose a descriptor for a person’s behavior ask yourself, “does everyone else see it the same way?”

DISC-styles and “No”, “But” and “However”

No matter what our DISC-style is, we have an instinctive tendency to want to prove people are wrong and that we are right.  

How we do this depends on our DISC-Profile.  D-styles are likely to be direct and will challenge the other person.  I-styles may tell one of their stories to illustrate they are right.  S-styles make up for their modest approach with persistency.  C-styles have lots of facts to prove the other person is wrong.

Reflect on your own DISC-style as you watch Nathan Lyons talk with our friend Marshall Goldsmith.  How do you try to prove you are right?  How is it working for you?

Millennials Article: “Leading Millennials: What Managers Need to Know” 

Our latest Extended DISC Millennials article is published in Training Magazine.

The DISC-style distribution of the population is not static.  Rather, the distribution of the DISC-styles changes over time.  In the past, the S-styles used to be the largest percentage of the total population.  Today, the I-styles have surpassed the S-styles because more than 40 percent of Millennials are I-style individuals compared with only 27 percent of Baby Boomers. 

This change has a significant impact. Attracting, motivating, and retaining Millennials requires more than sprinkling employment ads with promises of fun and flexibility.  

Click here to read the article.

Identify: Focus on Least Comfortable DISC-style

Once you are familiar with the DISC-styles, you will find some people are easier to identify.

You will quickly think to yourself, “she is a D-style” or “he is an S-style.” Individuals with one predominant style are fairly easy to identify.

However, many individuals have a DISC-profile that has three DISC-styles above the so-called middle line. In other words, they are comfortable with three of the four styles. For example, a person could be a blend of ISC-styles, which makes it more challenging to pinpoint her primary style.

There is a simple solution to this challenge. Instead of focusing on what the person’s most natural DISC-style is, try instead to identify her least comfortable style. By paying attention to the behavioral traits a person does not demonstrate, you will receive clues about which behaviors are the most challenging for her.

In our example of an ISC-style, you are likely to notice an absence of D-style traits.

More specifically, you may observe that the person is calm, modest and somewhat cautious. She may be hesitant in voicing her opinions. These types of traits are clear indicators the person’s D-style is the least comfortable of the four DISC behavioral styles. Remember, the D-style will often exhibit the opposite behaviors of this ISC-style individual. D-styles will tend to be active, assertive, risk-takers and not hesitant in voicing their opinions.

While the blended styles can be more difficult to identify, the good news is that as long as you avoid the behaviors of their least comfortable DISC-style, your interactions with them are significantly improved.  Also, when you simply avoid the traits of one uncomfortable style, you have given yourself additional time to specifically identify their DISC-profiles and further increase your effectiveness in communicating.  By shunning away from D-style behaviors when interacting with our ISC-style friend, you will improve your ability to interact with her. I, S and C behaviors are all fairly comfortable to her.   Just remember to stay away from D behaviors!

So next time you meet someone, try to first identify who she isn’t.

Different Communication Styles Can Be Frustrating

Have you ever been in a conversation that is headed nowhere fast?

Where everyone is increasingly frustrated as both sides keep talking? We all have. Interactions in a team or group is often diverse, involves different communication styles, and can take effort. You don’t always understand where 
your team members are coming from, what are they really asking you, and
 what their intentions truly are. You may also have an uncomfortable feeling the other person is having a similar experience and the outcomes of those interactions are not what you needed. You are likely to feel disappointed, aggravated and even exhausted. Your coworker is probably feeling the same way.

DISC profile

One important step towards more effective communication is recognizing that we have preferred communication styles.

We naturally feel more comfortable with certain behaviors and we may perceive others’ intentions and behaviors differently. Here are some reasons why other DISC styles may be frustrating to us and why they may communicate differently.

Those D’s Can Be So Frustrating!

D’s are saying to other DISC styles, “Get moving on this and get it done ASAP!”

The other DISC styles are responding, “Too much pressure! Don’t rush us!”

The D’s perspective is, “I need to get this started so it can get done!”

We need to acknowledge what D’s bring to the table. D’s embrace change and want to achieve great things, which, typically in the end, benefit us all.

Those I’s Can Be So Frustrating! 

I’s are saying to other DISC styles, “Oh that reminds me of the time I went on vacation and rented a car to visit my best friend Lily from college, but then she wasn’t home. So then we decided to see if Melody, my other best friend from college was home, but we actually didn’t have her address or phone number so we decided to go shopping. We had so much fun!…where was I going with this story?! Oh right! About this project due next week…or was it due today? etc. etc…”

The other DISC styles are responding, “Focus on the task! Stop talking all the time!”

The I’s perspective is, “Getting to know people and experiencing positive things are very important to the success of our team.”

What I’s bring to the table is the I’s optimism and positive influence. This is the fuel that drives their success – the happier they are, the harder and better they work.

Those S’s Can Be So Frustrating!

S’s are saying to other DISC styles, “That will never work – it’s just not how we do things here!”

The other DISC styles are responding, “Don’t always resist everything!”

S’s perspective is “Holding on to basic values will keep our team on the right course.”

What S’s bring to the table is once the S’s makes a decision about a situation or have bought into a given a task they will pursue and accomplish it (or put up road blocks) with single-minded purpose. They are also strong protectors of their team.

Those C’s Can Be So Frustrating!

C’s are saying to other DISC styles, “We have completed a careful review and recommend that we stick to the facts and data to make informed decisions. We may need to go back over Sections 1, 2, and 3.”

The other DISC styles are responding, “Don’t be so focused on the smallest details!”

C perspective is “Before we can even start, we need to understand issues thoroughly.”

What C’s bring to the table is C’s listen for the facts and details of a situation so that they can help you design a solution. They make sure everything works the way it should.

Effective communication can take energy, awareness and concentration. When recognizing that individuals have different communication styles and ways of perceiving roles, actions and situations we can become less frustrated and more focused on the multi-dimensional strengths and goals of our team.

Using DISC to make important decisions

Some of you may remember a television game show called “The Dating Game” where contestants hoped to meet the person of their dreams.

Only catch was they had to make decisions about which person to choose for their date even before seeing the person. Each contestant had a set of questions he/she wanted to ask to help to make the right choice. For example, “what is your favorite sports activity?” or “what type of boyfriend/girlfriend are you looking for?” However, since there were three bachelors/bachelorettes to choose from site unseen, a contestant could only ask a few questions to each of them.   Consequently, the questions needed to be revealing for there to be a good match.

In our lives we frequently need to make decisions about other people – and how to best interact with them – without ever having an opportunity to meet them face-to-face. Traditionally interactions were more about meetings, lunches, golf tee times, and the all important handshake. In this current day and age of technology we find that many relationships are established and maintained through the phone, emails, and even social media. How do we get the best out of these connections?

The DISC model, with its four main styles, is a tool that makes it easier to identify the styles of others so that you may then make the most effective adjustments to yours.

While it is a skill that takes some practice, it is easy to learn.

As you become more familiar with the DISC-styles, you will find some people are easy to identify even without meeting them face-to-face. You will quickly think to yourself, “She is a D-style” or “He is an S-style.” Typically, these individuals are predominantly one DISC-style and can be identified quickly. While we understand someone’s style is never a sole reason to make decisions about someone, it can certainly help us to support your decisions about how to modify your behavior to have more successful interactions with others.

Other people are more difficult to read. They seem to possess many DISC traits.

In your interactions there are some question you can ask yourself even if you are not actually meeting in person:

  • What does person tend to talk about
? – The bottom line, accomplishments, family, people, data and facts, or nothing at all
  • How does he/she say it? – Type of words ( “I” vs. “We”), type of questions (e.g. “what?”, “why?”), descriptive, or economical in choice of words
How is his/her tonality? – Speaks with enthusiasm, emotional, monotone, or assertive
  • Does he/she talk more than listen?
  • Is he/she talkative, emotional, friendly, formal or direct?
  • Does the/she tend to use sentences that “ask” or “tell” you to do something?

You will discover that asking these questions and observing behaviors will become second nature and the DISC model simply helps you to do it. Soon you will be able to identify behaviors without thinking. You begin to look for patterns behaviors that will increase your confidence that you are accurately identifying someone’s DISC-style.

What if you were a contestant on “The Dating Game” and the hosts says after five minutes your time is up and you have to choose a bachelor? What if the person of your dreams was sitting in one of those three chairs? What if you had not asked the right questions?

Luckily we’re not on “The Dating Game” and usually not forced to make an important decision based on just a few questions.

In our lives, we never want to let the top potential people or opportunities get away. Using the DISC model can be one of your easiest and most effective tools to making those important decisions.  If we ask ourselves the right questions, the answers can help us make the best choices.

Understanding, Motivating and Leading Millennials

How can we better understand, motivate, manage, and lead the Millennials?

Online education - group of millennials studying with computers

It’s now official: I am getting old. The moment happened when I was part of a conversation involving how entitled the Millennials are. Millennials or Generation Y, are the demographic group following Generation X, range in age from teen to early 30s. Apparently, they have an enormous amount of self-esteem that is simply not backed up with a corresponding level of talent. As I was thinking about my kids’ sports activities in their early years, with no score keeping, their abundant trophy room with the extra “participation trophies,” and the numerous ceremonies and graduations I’ve attended, it’s easy to see how this could be the case. Overall, Millennials certainly are well praised and consistently given positive feedback to substantially boosting their optimism and confidence. As a result, they have been called lazy, self-centered and lacking long-term commitment. I have heard others use significantly harsher adjectives. Whatever your views are the fact is, according to U.S. Census Bureau of Statistics, there are over 80 million of them in the US. Certainly, they cannot be ignored and their role will continue to increase in society and the workforce.

If you have read some of the many articles about the Millennials, you know they are commonly characterized as:

• Questioning authority
• Seeking attention
• Communicating digitally
• Wanting better work/life balance
• Seeking variety
• Expecting a lot from employers 
(meaningful work, learning opportunities, new challenges)
• Seeking frequent praise and, yes, having more self-esteem than talent.

There are many worthy explanations about what has molded the Millennials.

Doting and overly involved parents, constant encouragement and sheltering from the harsh reality apparently all have played a role. While we can disagree about what the causes are, the 
reality is this generation is unique and different. They behave differently and they want different things.

First, let’s remember that we should always be extremely careful about stereotyping individuals. Everyone is unique. However, from the macro-level, a common overall understanding may help us a little more.

One of the significant trends our organization studies is the changes in the population from the perspective of natural, hard-wired, behavioral styles. These changes happen gradually over time, yet impact us all.

One of those clear and important trends is the increase in the I-style population around the world. This development is driven by the growing percentage of the I-style individuals among people who are born after 1985. For example, in the US approximately 37 percent of this population segment is I-style. In comparison, only 27 percent of the Baby Boomers are I- styles.

In Sweden, this young age group is made up of 50 percent of I-styles! Even in the notoriously “introverted” country of Finland, the youngsters are represented by 40 percent of I-styles. It just may be a time to readjust our stereotype of cool and reserved Finns.

You may wonder, “What in the world does this trend have to do with the Millennials?” Let’s briefly look at the I-style. Among their many attributes, they are characterized as:

• Social
• Spontaneous
• Visible
• Active
• Optimistic
• Impulsive
• Emotional
• Expressive
• Participating
• Energetic

While the I-style characteristics certainly do not explain everything about the Millennials, I suspect you can see the strong parallels between the attributes of the Millennials and the I-styles. Both “groups” like to be liked, want variety and flexibility, and dislike routines and formal settings.

Rather than separating people into “generations” that result in the famous and often challenging “generation gaps”, we could view the issue from the perspective of individuals’ styles slowly changing over time.

Since we know the behavioral styles of people are not “better” or “worse” – they are simply different –we can be more effective in understanding and appreciating these differences.

Also, when we consider what influences and motivates the different behavioral styles, we will be able to better motivate and lead the different “generations”. More importantly, when we increase our awareness of how we need to specifically modify and adjust our own style, we increase our chances of being more effective communicators, motivators and leaders. This can help us to leave our stereotypes behind.

Rather than making value judgments about what we like and don’t like about the Millennials (or other Generations), we could try to understand the issue from the I- style point of view. In the process, we need to ultimately remind ourselves that focusing on our own behaviors and finding ways to adjust our communication and understanding of others is what makes us more successful. The Millennials are here and more are coming into the workplace. Are you ready?

DISC Training Activities for Workshops

As coaches and trainers we’re always looking at DISC training activities for workshops and coaching sessions. Join our senior trainers as they cover tips and exercises to make trainings more useful and interactive.DISC training activities for Workshops

Where to start

Whenever we do any DISC sessions we always build in DISC training activities. In creating fun and useful sessions we start with the 4 Steps to Effective Communication. Step 1 is to understanding the DISC styles. Next step is becoming more self-aware. Step 3 is identifying the styles of others. Finally, the end goal is adjusting one’s style to improve interactions.

The Extended DISC VIP Client Resource Center is a great place to start. This resource site is for clients of Extended DISC. Find all the webinar exercises on the VIP site. There are additional exercises on the site we won’t have a chance to get to. Additionally, the site is constantly updated with new games and resources.

Five keys to understanding the DISC styles

Start on Step 1, Understanding DISC styles, by hitting upon the 5 key areas for each of the four DISC quadrants. First, address the where each styles falls on the main areas of the DISC model.  For example, D-styles are in the top half of the model and therefore, more task oriented. D-styles are also on the left side of the DISC model and therefore, a more active style. People also need to learn about attributes of each of the 4 styles, how they handle pressure, and their biggest fears. Lastly, present a real person that represents that style.

Address different learning styles

We are all different types of learners. For example, some of us are visual, some auditory and some like to see it in writing. Therefore, it’s important to build in exercises that address all types of learners.

After covering the five key areas of each DISC style try showing a brief video clip (e.g., YouTube) with characters that reinforce each DISC style.

DISC training activities to build understanding of DISC styles (Step 1)

One of the many DISC training activities you can try is “Choose and Defend.” The idea of this DISC reinforcement game is to identify people, place or thing that align with each of the DISC quadrants. Listen to how they support their choices. Are they using the words and language they learned in the workshop to relate to and support the DISC styles correctly? Don’t make participants wrong, but use the correct DISC words to help the participant self-correct. It’s a great litmus test to find out if your group is understanding the DISC concept or if you need more review.

Another one of the great DISC training activities is the Play & Learn Card Game. The compact game is great for when you travel. We cover the four different games and how to play them. Use the cards in single coaching sessions or groups.

Activities that ties to becoming more self-aware (Step 2)

Teach your participants how to read their reports. There is no right way to debrief a report, in terms or sections or order. Highlight your favorite sections. Do what works for you.  We strongly encourage people to use the Question section of the report because it helps with self-reflection and getting that “deeper dive.”

After reviewing DISC, we often ask people to write their names on chart pad or blank DISC Diamond paper  where they believe they fall on the DISC quadrants. During your workshop they can always revisit their location on the DISC Diamond. Quite often, we are surprised with the results. This helps drive home our self-awareness once we begin understanding more of ourselves.

DISC training activities to identify the styles of others (Step 3)

First activity can be to practice identifying DISC styles by using the OAR acronym. OAR stands for observe, assess, and recognize. When you are speaking or connecting with someone, observe, assess and recognize aspects of the interaction.

When practicing how to identify the styles of others, focus on and visualize the halves of the DISC Diamond. Is a person more task or people oriented? Also, is the person more reserved or active?

A third activity to reinforce style identification is to think about a few identifying statements. What statements clearly identify a DISC style for you? For example, the D-style may ask, “Is it done and am I great?” The I-style will ask, “Is it fun and do you like me?” S-styles may ask, “Is it safe and will you support me?” C-styles may ask “Is it correct?”

You can also use behavioral recognition practice. Provide a paragraph or description of a person with a specific dominant style. Read it out loud and ask people to identify the main DISC style. Ask for supporting reasons why that specific style was chosen.

Use “Your Personal Examples” as handouts or in large groups as a mental exercise. Ask people to think of people they know that match up to each of the DISC styles. Think about who it is easiest and most challenging to communicate with? Why? Keeps your workshop live and linking back to real world.

DISC training activities to practice adjusting style (Step 4)

When your style is not working try something else. Recognize when you need to try something else. Employ the Platinum Rule which is “treat others the way they want or need to be treated.” Puts other person’s needs at the forefront. Respond to how the other person prefers to the interaction to go.

We use the “Communication Strategy Workshop” in every training. Think of a person you interact with often. Complete the worksheet.

Use technology to reinforce our learning. Pull out phones and put reminders in phones that remind us about what we learned about DISC.

Try using the “Thank You Letter” exercise to pick a person who has been a challenge for communicating with. People write a letter with a focus on the positive aspects of challenging styles versus only the negatives.

Role playing is always a fun way to reinforce DISC learning. Use the the red pack of cards from the DISC Play and Learn Game. A great takeaway from role-playing our opposite style is that we see adjustments are possible. It may take focus and energy, but worth the effort.

DISC training activities for teams

“The Tallest Tower” is a great activity to see how styles work together by forcing collaboration. Armed with spaghetti and marshmallows, teams are asked to build free-standing towers. Time pressures and unusual supplies add to the fun. Afterwords, debrief the process and interactions.







Chairlift Management

DISC identify personality

Skiing was a big part of my childhood. I have great memories of spending time on the slopes with my family. While skiing is typically viewed as an individual sport, it is also happens to be a great family activity. Not only do you often ski together, but you also have time for uninterrupted conversations on the chairlifts. No smartphones, just the opportunity to have quality time with your most important people. Remembering these happy memories, I decided to take my kids skiing for the very first time. On the first day, to make sure they would be off to a great start, I decided to hire a ski instructor. While I consider myself a pretty good skier, I know my credibility is embarrassingly low in the eyes of my children. I’m sure this is common, as parents of teenagers and pre-teens; they just do not listen to us. I knew that a cool 19-year-old college kid’s guidance would be better received and have a lot more impact than any expert and experienced advice I could impart.

As I was booking the lesson, I remembered that my friend, John Glennon of Sandler Training, uses Extended DISC to train ski instructors at ski resorts. He doesn’t use Extended DISC as a method to become a better skier, but rather to become better ski instructors.

John worked with over 100 ski instructors at one large ski resort. He was brought in because the ski resort had identified that most of the first-time ski students did not sign up for any additional lessons. They took for the first lesson and never came back. The goal for the resort was to use the first lesson to generate more class registration and revenue. Obviously, this meant the resort was losing a significant amount of potential income. Interestingly, this is a fairly common occurrence in North America while in Europe students tend to return, wanting to learn more.

As is usually the case, the instructors included a wide range of skiing enthusiasts, from 18-year-old kids to retired professionals. All of them were great skiers, but not all were expert or trained communicators. Rapport and interaction, for most people to have a great class experience, is just as important as the learning of the technical skills. Consequently, the exchanges between the instructors and students were not as effective and enjoyable as they could have been to warrant the customer’s desire to pursue additional lessons.

John used Extended DISC as the cornerstone of the training. The training concentrated on how to use the model to communicate and interact more effectively with the students. The aim was to improve the lesson experience for all students because it would help to achieve the ultimate goal of generating additional lesson sign-ups.

While John realized solving the issue would require everyone’s involvement, he wanted to focus on the ski instructors first. He worked with them to create a better self-awareness of their own behavioral tendencies and style. For example, the sociable I-style instructors spent a lot of time chatting so often tended run late for the next lesson. While these instructors saw it as an inconsequential issue, it did not set a good tone to start the new lesson and sometimes made it impossible to capture repeat business.

More significantly, John helped the ski instructors understand that they easily bonded with the students who shared their DISC-style, but were not as comfortable and successful with differing DISC styles. The students with different DISC-styles expressed dissatisfaction with class expectations and often times, disappointment in connecting with their ski instructors. To make matters worse, instructors naturally and unconsciously sensed the tension and gravitated more to the preferred students. This further worsened the situation. All students learned basic ski skills, but some were not completely satisfied and even unhappy. The ski instructors were left exhausted or with a feeling they could have done better after the lessons. In short, the lesson experience was not optimal and could be improved.

John developed simple, yet brilliant guidelines and rules. The ski instructors had to work on building a bond with all students. The instructors acknowledged there were easy and comfortable interactions and ones requiring energy, effort and practice. They also learned a few simple and effective ways to identify the students’ DISC-styles. More importantly, John helped them learn and practice skills to modify their communication style to better connect with all students. Initially, it took more effort, but soon it became a lot easier and almost second nature.

One of the most effective ways to ensure bonding with every student is to require the instructors ride the chair lift with all of their students. Let me assure you, if you have never ridden a chair lift, you have – and you are – a captive audience. This pushed the ski instructors out of their comfort zones to practice and improve their communication skills throughout the entire lesson.

After coaching the ski instructors, John focused and adapted the training for the class reservation agents. They learned to ask specific questions and to actively listen for clues to identify students’ DISC-styles. They placed the students with similar DISC-style ski instructors. This made the ski instructors’ work a little easier. They did not have to adjust their style quite as much and the chairlift ride up was easier right from the start.

How about the results? Ultimately, the ski resort did not measure improvement in instructor teaching or the improved skills and satisfaction of students. However, their revenue from ski lessons increased 26% in year one, another 23% in year two and additional 28% in year three. That is an upward slope everyone likes to see.

Peer Pressure Doesn’t End in High School

In high school did you socialize with the smart kids, the athletes, the band, the artsy ones, or the quiet ones who flew under the radar?

At the time, it seemed so important to fit into a group, small or large. The peer pressure to “fit in” and have a social identity was strong and at times, challenging. More than likely, it was with a group whose style matched your own or whose style you were trying to emulate.

As teenagers we are still discovering who we are. As adults, we may have a clearer view, but peer pressure continues to play a major factor in shaping our perception of who we are and who we want to be. We often absorb the behaviors and attitudes of those we “hang out” with, as in high school, but ultimately we feel most comfortable around those whose style is similar to our own. As adults, we still want to fit in with our DISC style. 

While we may admire the steady, calm demeanor of the co-worker who can always be counted on to be a team player, it doesn’t mean that it’s a style we are comfortable with adapting on a daily basis. Your style may not be the same or may even be the opposite. What if your current workplace environment discourages taking risks, autonomous decision-making, working independently, or collaborative networking? This work environment will be more challenging for the DISC styles that focus more on new ideas, individuality, broad ranged focus, and big changes.

We can make the conscious decision to adjust our style to match the groups, but this is sometimes easier to idealize than to put into practice. Our natural style is what comes easily, usually without energy or effort. It is the behaviors that more than likely come out spontaneously or under pressure situations.

What if that dynamic, new special projects group has a position open up? What if you had the chance to work on a team where the goals are to work independently to find creative and inventive ways to bring in new clients, and be as innovative as possible to retain the existing ones? This would be a great fit for someone who’s style is decisive, competitive, results-focused, and a go-getter, but could be intimidating for that calm and steady co-worker. You should go for it!

Don’t let the peer pressure box you in. We all bring our strengths and areas of development of our style to our jobs. Can you find the position in your workplace that brings out your strengths?